Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A Good Day for POET

I was pleased with Peter's insider purchase, but not surprised. I think he has done so much, unselfishly for the company and the stockholders. I think he knew the technology was beyond the anything the market has seen and we had a Tiger by the tail so he went after someone who could fathom its potential and set a course for the market that could be metabolized and thrive. Ajit Manocha. Ajit is a special guy, and Peter saw that and didn't blink. Good job Peter, we have him onboard. Not only that, but I'm sure Mr. Manocha is well pleased with his position (I get that feeling), afterall how many times in life does the opportunity present itself to make such a transformative contribution. Collaborative, reaching out to help make things better. POET should be highley profitable by its very nature, that is how DFr. Taylor engineered it. He, Suresh, and Subhash, as well as Dr. Taylor are rare. Not many guys would be capable of setting the sensible course we just started. The company hardly resembles what it was just a few months ago. That's why I used the term "Startup". I also said Silicon Valley Startup. Wanted the feel for investors the we're a part of the neighborhood. I understand the need for its Canadian identity. Kanuks fingerprints will be all over it. It does kind of dismay me to see unfounded critisisms of Peter. Why pick on him? He was optomistic and not an expert, but tried in good faith. Thank you Peter. Tomorrow's activities for me should be extremely interesting. I plan to attend the India Advanced Manufacturing Symposium in Santa Clara. With Ajit there, I will feel like a part of the delegation (at least I will know someone there). Hope India's PM is there. I'll try to report to everyone.

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