Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: About the share price action and the Roadshow

Sulasailor: "I have spent quite some time and energy trying to convince the board that far more is going on than just readying the company for VCSEL production. Take a look argain at slide 5 and you will see just one bullet point, the first, comes from Direct Sales of Trancrievers, the remainder are all based on relationships with other companies buying in to POET IP and that is where the 'Big Customer' is lurking."

While i sincerely hope that you are correct, I personally am not getting my hopes up.

I strongly suggest you and everyone else on the board go back and read the CC transcript as I did several times today.

I have put my faith (and most of my money) in our NEW Management team so I have to trust in what they say. Several quotes from the transcript help me keep things in perspective.

Ajit Manocha:
08:18Our initial market focus is data communications, one of the high-growth sectors in the world right now. Over time, our platform may well extend to smart products ranging from high-reliability defense, aerospace and energy applications to consumer devices.

Suresh Venkatesan:

10:30 – As Ajit pointed out, we have developed a revolutionary optoelectronics process platform that eases the management of data at the speed of light and similar to the cost of copper. While over time we expect the POET platform to enable a wide range of next-generation optoelectronic products, right now we are focused squarely on our initial market entry: data communications, one of the highest-growth sectors in the industry right now.

Again, I hope many other products are in the works at this time but i'm trying to stay grounded. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised, if not I can live with world domination starting with VCSELs.

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