Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: POET Quantitative Fair Value $0.73???
Jan 06, 2016 11:36AM

Good point DC,

If you were to cast an eye over the last Pelligrino report or at least appreciate some of the science, possibly art, that went into it, and bearing in mind that valuation was by a professional using established algorithms, I think one could reasonably assume that whilst the approach was conservative it produced a figure that has been greatly enhanced by the progress we have seen in this Company since.

Take for example factors such as management''s ability to deliver a deal or indeed the ability to recruit the ' right' team to drive the POET Project forward.

On the basis of the level of derisking I have discerened I would say that a far more rational valuation could be derivied than the 0.73 that this screwed up, hooded wet finger in the air, uneducated pantomime we see performed to produce the figure bandied around today, which for me has the hall mark of the market manipulation that is the cross we have had to bare here for being mad enough to invest in a pre-revenue venture capital firm.

I think someone just wants a cheap way in before the real news storm breaks out. This time given that management have been pitching their wares there is a good chance the interest required to advance the SP may indeed happen enshala.


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