Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Why all this delays, you might ask.....?

I watched and re-read the CIC transcriped from last year and thought, might there is more behind this statement:

Ajit Manocha said at 22:00 :

"I think once we have this [POET] demonstrated from micron to nanometer scale, I know people will love it.

22:44 – I told Peter when he called me six months ago to join the board. I told him, “Wow, why didn’t you just meet me two years ago?” And I know that my successor at GlobalFoundries says: “Ajit, when are you going to tell me all about this technology?”

But today, the companies (Glofo as well) have invested in 14 nm. I think they are going to see the ROI is going to be much more difficult than 40 nm.

This [POET] will become a game changer."

Without having the invested ROI from 14nm, we will not see POET in the verticals, therefor the strategy with AOC's.

So i expect a refreshing breath of air from blue ocean, followed by a storm named hurricane, thyphoon or cyclone as it will happen in different regions in the world......Just my 2 cents.

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