Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: AGM will be probably in July

Without a product in the market place and thus no revenue, it is hard to imagine how we could have a stable SP. Communication is great, but revenue is greater!

Poet is actually a very small enterprise with a very small staff that is busy with a large undertaking, and time isn’t what management has in abundance. For the moment, they’ve tossed the AGM to the side without explanation to get on with meeting goals. They’ve set a timelines for the achievement of really rigorous goals— a prototype in Q4 2016 for example.

Current management has met promised goals, have they not? That is what you want them to do! An AGM at this stage is a legal and social ritual; it won’t advance the technical dimension of work that is at hand. It can be delayed without harm. The AGM along with the communication you want (need) requires a lot of stock holder hand-holding—strokes & pets—done carefully, with a fair amount of subtlety to keep everyone happy. This takes time, more time than Suresh or Subhash might be able to accord to it until, for example, yet another milestone is met—VCSELs etc.,.

Yes, communication is important, but not as important as execution of the tasks at hand. In view of what has been promised management has put themselves under great pressure to get to the next milestone. If you want to feel angry or disappointed you can do so in the event our Q2 goals aren’t achieved.

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