Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Forget handing out more "cheap" options

Granted, this is not going to get me a popular vote...AT ALL...However....

Please, with no disrespect for what you're feeling Iamsorry....

Take all emotion and financial stress out of this scenario for a minute and consider this:

Does anyone on this forum have the background, talent and vision that our management team does? How many of us forcasted the two new companies we aquired? And how savy the deals were?

Consider again what this management team has accomplished in a year....

Pushing aside all frustration from over-tired expectations, wants, needs, assumptions that haven't come to fruition asside, put on your cold hard business hat, and ask yourself why would we vote no? If you can't see the bigger picture because it's on our best interest for us not to know, for legal reasons and our finanical gain, maybe "NO" is shortsighted?

Trust me, I NEED to have this work in our favor for my own personal finanical hopes, dreams and asspirations.

I find it discourging that so many aren't willing to see the forest for the trees.

SP is a powerful and emotional thing at the close of trading day. An have it nose-dive day after day is exasperating at best.

But I think we all bought in orignially for all the right reasons, with the right research, and believed we made a solid decision to purchase POET shares. So lets be positive, put your swords down, and don't go all "viking" with the charge of "NO".

I think it is unreasonable and not in good mental health to get all worked up, and then to share that on this forum for the ripple effect and mood it creates here.



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