Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Ajit's assurance

"What makes you think the company will set the strike price well above it's current price, they haven't done that the last 2 years that I've seen them handed out. They set them at or slightly above their current trading price. It would be a great sign to us shareholders if they actually set the price for ex to $1.75 from where it's currently trading, that would get me excited. SP"

It's too bad SP that that is the case because it gives great incentive to keep the share price as low as possible for the options. Not saying that's what's happening but could be happening.

I am one of the investors who suffer from investor fatique (share price fatique).watching the sp below a dollar for so long and being played back down below a buck with every bit of news has caused that fatique.I always looked forward to coming to this site with great expectations but of late I have lost interest seeing the same old same old with share price and reading same old post. I know we will all do well with our Poet investment but that does little to cure that fatique caused by disappointment ,not in management or where we are headed, but by share price action and reaction to all the "good news" we get. And I know it's always good news which some how always makes the situation worse. My patience has never been tested like this before in the market.

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