Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: BCD and CAinPLaP banning
Nov 18, 2016 06:01PM
Nov 18, 2016 07:36PM

Hey Mack,

Let me start by saying I have been a loyal shareholder for over 2 years and have been watching this board for the great tech knowledge and any other info I could pick up. I am not a techie and thus needed info from here to help make investment decisions, that is why I kept to myself and let me add that your posts were helpful as well. I do not want to turn this into a pee pee match, hope that is clean enough for you, but as you will find I am not easily intimidated.

I will apologize for the political remark and agree this is not the place for that rhetoric. My problem is watching this board trying to deal with the ( Septic Hole Infiltrator Types ) I will keep trying to control myself and not use the acronym for those people. I lean towards " capital punishment "  ( geesh, sorry again ) for those perpetrators and thus I back BCD and his way of handling it. I meant no disrespect to Derek, I sometimes dig the knife in a little to deep.

I too am a little on edge as I have 100,000 shares and I don't own any under $ 1.00 and after seeing what our new " platinum Investor's " did to us with their short play, I couldn't stay silent any longer.

So, please don't tell me where I should post or what tone I should use, I have paid dearly for this privilege to say my piece.

With all due respect and a sense of humour  eh



Nov 19, 2016 04:43AM
Nov 19, 2016 10:10AM
Nov 19, 2016 10:51AM
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