Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: take over

Let me post this and then the others more knowledgable can shoot holes in it.

It started with Sula's thoughts on strategy. (good and bad for the shareholder)

It seems to me, as the SP drifts lower, that this could be deliberate

If there is a takeover bid, waiting in the wings, by people who know the value of the technology and wany t to privatize the company. A possible insider move by someone who has links to a friendly government in the geographic region, who has a private company who has pledged huge job creation numbers and perhaps access to funds funneled quietly to them by that government. Insiders who could deliberately stall the optimizing of a product, mislesd shareholders, with no skin in the game who have been promised untold wealth if they are successful. A horrendous PO with no value attached, for what seemed an eternity to the market, with no apparent necessity for the fiunds that they knew would drive the SP down and kill off the market cap. At sub 30 cents, the IP looks pretty attractive on a 50 cent offer. 

LOL, I know, that kind of strategy or thinking we don't need!

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