Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Looking for a brighter 2017

"That same excitement that brought us to POET and brought the new management team to POET continues today with the new hires. The field of optoelectronics is not exactly overrun with qualified people and there is most certainly a very big demand by established companies that are growing very quickly with the demands that we are reading about. POET is attracting new people for one reason. Because these people want to be part of the POET ecosystem with a recognition that this company can be a major player in this expanding industry."

FJ, the above is extremely important.  If optoelectronics is to get as big as projected, and no reason to believe it won't, and if the field is not overrun with qualified people, then if we are getting some of those people, not necessarily the cream of the crop, but very capable people, that is a great indicator.  If the above assumptions are correct, the qualified people have choices of where to go, and one with multiple options would likely not take a job with POET without really liking what they see, and they should be able to see more clearly than just about any poster on this board.

Of course, many of these qualified people may look at this somewhat similar to how we do - the risk/reward is terrific.  But if they felt that our core tech issues could not be solved, I think they'd choose to go elsewhere.  Again, assuming FJ's assumptions above are correct.

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