Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Apple

IF (big if) the company knew that Apple was going to make an offer and felt that it was not going to be adequate, the company would not allow the SRP to expire.


I also think that the prospect of that happening would motivate folks with large positions, who have been holding back on buying more, to go ahead and augment their positions with as many shares from the retail market as possible, so that they would have more of a say in thwarting such an occurrence. Which would then basically cause the share price we have felt we should be at all along to be rather immediately caught up to. Because such a prospect would also trigger all of those under whose radar POET has managed to sail to start their Due Diligence post haste and the treasures within our IP portfolio would suddenly be, well, treasured.

Unless of course something nefarious would take place between management and such an acquirer. But would they wish to risk prison for that? 

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