Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Two thoughts

I would like to know more about the $80K in NRE - it certainly isn't the kind of number many were dreaming about here (I dreamt quite a bit lower, but not that low).  Also, not sure what it was we licensed for that money?  Which technology(ies) is it?  Until we know that, it's hard to say how good/bad is $80k.  It may have been done on a minor piece of tech, and may also have decent sized royalties associated with it.  I'm guessing any detail may be protected by confidentiality. 

The release was short, and not all I wanted, but what I've come to expect.  Especially given there was not run-up heading to the release.

But glad to see the usual suspects are all over the company.  I continue to think they are trying very hard, and to suggest that they've made mistakes, thereby implying that the poster could have done better - well, give me a break!  That's more delusional than any member of the $70 club!

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