Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Graphene Marches On

Bluecollardollar: I think the race is on and the longer we delay the longer we give the compation to catch up. I still think we may be in the Poll postion, but since we have no real information to prove that, its hard to say.

The problem here is I think one of cognition and perception. We don't get news and thus simply don't know what is going on. Without news the perception might be – and obviously is for some of us – that nothing is going on at all.

Nothing going on? I would say this is highly unlikely. In fact, we have been informed at the PIC about some important technological advances. The share price hasn't appreciated them yet, because the much-needed financial advances are still missing. However, when and if these financial advances will occur – and be announced – they will unleash much of what has accumulated technology-wise behind a large dam.

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