Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Summary : 1. GaA-Thrystor:tremend... exponential progress

Agreed. I to am very pleased and excited that the company is following the market demand and thank goodness, Suresh identified the InP opportunity very early on after joining POET and we now have the 2 platforms; GaAs and InP.

NLWL is exciting, but more exciting is the dialectric waveguide opportunity. Production prototypes produced on a full production line in customer hands and less that 1/20 the manufacturing cost of the nearest tecnological solution.

Add in the higher packaging, assembly and test and yield cost verses our solution ..... WOW.

POET could sell our waveguide solution for $10 each, make massive margins and still maintain a sustainable and huge cost and performance leg-up on other solutions.

I am not watching the SP, I am watching thecompany strategy very closely, especially this waveguide opportunity. I like what I see.

Burn rate reduced. Go figure, POET only needs to seel circa $15M USD of these waveguides, at anticipated (estimated) margins and we are cashflow positive.



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