Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: industrial news release

Very unfortunately, walconst, a very fair point re that release!

Since I know nothing of what is required to finish up the GaAs, all I can do is assume it continues to be a daunting task.  This "work around" doesn't sound particularly promising to me, and, I don't know why anyone would assume that if they "just get that right" everything will fall into place.  Very doubtful, based on what life experience has taught me.

So, I've basically written the GaAs off in my mind, and if ever amounts to something material or, better yet, something spectacular, then that's a whole lotta icing on the cake.

I will focus on their efforts with the InP and hope they are as close as we are led to believe in terms of sales and the amount thereof.  The only GaAs news I will even hope for would be a strategic partner to be named.  As to the prestige and/or expertise of that partner, well, the more the better, but I do not expect any reasonably familiar names.

It's all about success with what they can actually produce in commercial quantities, and of quality sufficient to entice customers to pay a reasonable price for (a lot of) the product(s).

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