Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Dr Taylor

Given that there is a workaround using the three terminal solution for the optical switch (Thristor) I assume that there is some progress is still being made on the GaAs technical front regardless of the impasse announced at the AGM regarding the the optical engine.  

SASH mentioned the workaround does not ammount to a monolithic solution, I am not sure guite what that implies, but if like me you want POET optical engines to be the' bees knees' when it does hit the street so that it really does justify the 'disruptive' label farecast,  I really do want to see this problem resolved.  

When Dr Taylor announced his retirement his age and medical difficulties at that time had my full sympathy, but as one recovering from the rigours of haveing a new knee with complications, I would assess that DR Taylor is by now in a postion to add some degree of input into the problem.  His genius is needed in my opinion.

My point is, what is the relationship that PTI has with GT,  knowing people of his ilk I would imagine that he takes a great deal of interest on how the commercial development of his baby is going.  In this respect I wonder are there others like me that worry that his departure coincided with the change in direction of PTI strategy, and that maybe, just maybe, he was not entirely happy with that.  On balance I think the probability was that his concerns at that time justified his decision to depart, but are there others like me who feel that he would be willing to provide consultation over the particular issues experienced with the four terminal solution.

Can anyone enlighten us on this, did GT leave with a consultative role?,is his expertise still available? was it a appy departure at his retirement.  As far a I can make out he is still in harness and working as a proffessor at the the University of Conneticut.

Your comments and thoughts would be most welcome.



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