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Message: Re: New Principal Engineer/Older Principal Engineer

"..Now, the big question is whether LifeLeaf can monitor accurately enough to give advice on insulin dosage. And, that remains to be seen."

This is fraught with liability issues and I for one would never let a machine tell me how much insulin to take, or even give advice for that matter. Insulin can kill you, easily, so any mistake I make I take possesion of. I highly doubt any company will produce such a device without a list of disclaimers that would make statins blush.

However, once diabetics have non-invasive glucometers, they will be able to continuously monitor their blood sugar and react proactively, in real time as opposed to reactively, which is really a lot better for this diabetic...I don't speak for them all and to each their own.

I do believe someone will have it figured out soon. Tim Cook was wearing a watch that supposedly read his blood glucose at an event a couple of years ago, and yet they still haven't worked the bugs out. It's definitely not easy to do, and will be one of the forebears to the famous Star Trek Tricorder which has long been dreamed of. Again, first across the line usually wins the prize.




Oct 13, 2018 02:02PM
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