Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Planning Manager joins POET Technologies


The share price ultimately will not turn on whether you (or any of us) love or hate Suresh as a CEO, it will turn on whether or not Poet's current tech actually works.  Regardless of how he has gone about things, there's no one better to be there to finish it off, unless it's the one person who knows the one little thing technically that can make everything work.  If you think that guy exists, well...

This interposer is likely the last round up for Poet, it would be difficult to see where funding would come to change gears at this point.  Personally, I believe we're in the midst of a delay, as objectively as I can look at all the factors I can understand, that's what it appears is the current status.

I think absolute secrecy is so difficult that the share price being so lethargic is telling us exactly that.  Nothing of excitement seems to be oozing out to anyone with significant money to invest in our stock. 

I understand your frustration, that's for sure, but I don't put it all at the feet of Suresh, although he might do a better job of keeping the market excited.  As anyone who has seen him speak knows, he is NOT a dynamic speaker, so although he may impress techies, he may not be catching the eye of the various brokers that can get things moving.  But that's okay, so long as the interposer works as well or close to as well as anticipated and is in marketable form before others beat us to it with similar solutions.

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