Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Soma Sankaran

Who else thinks the style is too familiar

Hiding under the cloak of anonymity of a new nom des plume, a previously banned poster can reappear here too continue their particular brand of subversion.  Typically loading the board with questions that they could reasonably answer themselves if they but bothered but don’t.  Then by adopting a mild form of personality baiting, with FJ the usual target, they have a generally disruptive, attention grabbing, time wasting effect. Thus they negate the beneficial effect of participating in this board - a classic troll aim and Grinch like casting gloom from their mountain tops.

Yes, We’ve seen it all before.

I need a break, I have but one persistent thought regarding my investment in PTI and that is to allow management the time they need to roll out and execute their excellent plan which has every chance of success based on the significant amount of information and plans they have provided us with. I however repeat my favourite military quotation as a mild caution

        ‘no plan survives its first encounter with the enemy’


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