Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: New Wainwright commentary...hope you can read!

Not sure of the percentages, but I would estimate that well over 50% of R/S's do not work out well.  Generally, of course, you're starting out with a weak, developmental company, so the odds are stacked against.

I find it difficult to believe, though, that Wainwright (of which I have a low opinion), would utter such words without having discussed it, even briefly, with the company.  Almost anyone who plays the markets knows the stigma associated with R/S, justifiably or not.

Here's something else to consider:  the call is coming up, you can say all you want this time will be different, but keep in mind what generally (exlusively? :)) happens after calls, conference, etc. 

If the product is to be at some point in the not too distant future well-received, and even ordered by the bushel, then I'm not going to be particulary upset about an R/S.  Although there is clearly a stigma attached to an R/S, some work out just fine, especially if the reason is to facilitate a move to a, let's say, "higher profile," exchange.

What likely will happen is discussion and debate re a R/S will dominate this board, and that will not be a good thing, becuase most feel it's the kiss of death, having been kissed a few times by death in the past.  R/S's turn out badly for companies that are not going anywhere, as it generally accelerates their downward spiral, even though the R/S was meant to give the company more time to get their act together, remain listed on a certain exchange, etc.  

If our product is a bust technically or commercially, it won't matter much either way.  And the same goes if the product is a hit!

Here's something else to consider:  the call is coming up, you can say all you want that this time will be different, but keep in mind what generally (exlusively? :)) happens after calls, conference, etc. 

We need the interposer to work at least close to as well as they have hoped it would (or even better!!), and that should net us enough customers to survive and perahps flourish.

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