Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Lets get the share price heading in the right direction!

When POET starts generating the revenue with the high profit margins they expect to have, then they have the option to buyback POET shares at that being the right time. They will do this only if they feel that buying back their own shares is the best investment that can be made. The result will be a very strong share price both supported by the company gross margin-rich-revenue and the share buyback. At or near that time, I would expect a Nasdaq listings along with Option contracts for general public investment as well. That will only happen with high and strong revenue out of the gate. I do believe that it will be likely that POET can achieve this. This is all forward thinking, but the presentations do show POET's targeted revenue. We been told about $400 million in revenue over 4 years, $75 million from one customer, etc. Even if we ignore those numbers as ball-park estimations, a few NRs ago, we were told that POET is aligning itself with customer volume expectations. In otherwords, they know once qualifications are done and a customer is ready to proceed, POET will have a good idea of how much revenue they can expect. That point raises my confidence in them with regard to the various sales number projections thus far as becoming possible.

Another point I would like to make is that POET is in talks with about 13 customers and they mentioned in the last NR about moving faster and into verticals; so, sales projections and realities could overshoot our expectations much further than we want to believe or realize.

POET has done a lot of work to set themselves up to come out of the gate in a very strong position. Filling up their treasury in September, by monetizing Denselight's sale, injects capital into POET and it provides confidence to customers that POET will be able to afford to meet its obiligations to its customers.

That's my take. I am a visionary, but I feel what I see will become real.


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