Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: hub leaders conflict of interest

I have poetrescue on ignore but apparently he does not understand that telling people to buy, sell or hold is not what this forum is for.  

Consider Jackthebear. People got tired of the blatant flip flopping he continued to use this forum for. One week he is saying that the share price is going to drop to .29 because it is tax season and the next week he is saying the share price is going to hit new highs. It is easy for day traders to find a reason why the share price will go up or down but it rarely works out because if it did everyone would be doing it and everyone would be making money. 

So if you have been talking with your broker then you know  that there are specific conditions this  time on when the paperwork needs to be completed and your position recorded and the date by which the funds are required.  I doubt there will be any people in the first or second tranche involved in this one and certainly if anyone was planning to participate in the third they would have already raised the money. Thus I fully expect this round will be associated with new money. 

And the price has been set so there is no requirement to control the share price and maintain a spread.

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