Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: management is now free to disclose....


I agree Andech. The AGM is 1 month away and I expect we will get some important questions answered before the AGM. 

Not pleased with the share price but I am very pleased that mass production is being enabled and that POET will have access to the giant Chinese market.

Based on questions I have been asked it seems some people are unclear about where the optical interposer is being produced. The OI is not being built in China. The OI is being built in Malaysia at SilTerra and the plan as I know it is to own the assembly and test facility. 

Some of the  history as provided in the circular 

These development efforts required substantial investment in projects conducted at DenseLight geared at designing InP-based devices that could be incorporated into the POET Optical Interposer platform. At the same time, investment capital was devoted to the development and refinement of passive waveguide designs in Ottawa, the elaboration of processes and materials that form the base of the Optical Interposer in the U.K., the transfer and further development of process technology to the Company’s manufacturing partner based in Malaysia, and the design and implementation of advanced packaging techniques in Singapore, Malaysia and in Thailand.

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