Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: $750 in shares traded onTSX-V. WOW.

I don't understand all the hand-wringing here about the lack of volume or buying interest.  All of the retailers are tapped out, and the other potential stock buyers who are aware of Poet have been buying the debentures.  Poet has completely killed any demand for the stock with these many months of debenture offerings.

Since Poet hasn't released any significant new news regarding sales or technology updates, why would anyone expect the SP to move in either direction in a significant or sustainable manner?

I certainly don't and am not concerned at this quiet period.  And for those that continue to look only at the volume (or lack thereof) as a clue as to where we are tech or order-wise, that's not going to give us any real information one way or another.  This is essentially a privately run company with tight lips and has been since Mika came on board, meeting only the regulatory requirements.

We've had enough false run-ups on high volume for Poet, so that type of marker is completely meaningless now.

And I've seen plenty of established companies get huge buy-out offers with absolutely no price run or volume increase beforehand.  And those companies have analysts, fund managers and a huge investor base behind them and yet no leaks even there.  We have none of those, so why would the trading pattern tell us anything of consequence here?

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