Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Interesting and Exciting

That's where it makes no sense to me to trade this like you do Jack. Not sure where you are from but I am in Canada and trade oil in a ETF if you have had your traders as you say in the sidelines for 6 weeks you are not making that work too well for you. I go with HOU it I think oil prices on the spot market are going to go up and HOD if I think they are going to go down. Lots of DD on this you have to do to keep track ie weekly inventory reports etc ...I always cash out at the end of the day have that money sit in cash until the next day and sometimes I buy HOU and HOD 20-30 times a day huge swings on the intraday bla bla bla anyhow I don't know why you would pick this one other then to have it as a hold and maybe make enough for a tank or two of gas for the car trading it. To me it's not worth it at all other then to hold it if you are a believer in the Technology and what they have. Been in this one since the opel solar days and have not done anything but buy more and cost average it down enough to be slightly green. But I would sure hate to have to chance this if it pops knowing that you wanted in anyways and had the money on the sidelines then watch it go up 20% one day 10% the next etc etc then having missed it or having to pay 30% more for what you wanted all along. This is not a trading stock by any means in my opinion. Even the volume on this sometimes for days on end are bleak so you can get handcuffed into doing nothing if you are trying to trade. Look at ETFs for trading way way better then any stock. Ie you trade this it goes up you make a profit sell then what ?????  With oil for example you will find a range I buy HOU thinking oil goes up and it does I sell it where I think there is going to be a dip and buy HOD and oil goes down to where I think it's going to go up and I buy HOU etc etc sometimes doing this 50 times a day. Yes I take a loss on some trades but do well over the course of the day and cash out before market close to have the cash in hand for the next day. That's how you trade a stock Jack.Poet is how many could see a huge portfolio boost. Always have been in for the end game on this one but I underestimated the time frame but nothing has changed other then being the finish line closer.

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