Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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I agree with you Orange Cat that Suresh was the one who said, "Up and to the Right". I meant to right that in my previous response to you and wrote Ajit Manocha in error.

I also agree with you that Suresh brought in BB Photonics which brought us the OI. Without doing that, Poet would have likely bit the dust. Denselight basically became part of the 40 engineers that Poet needed. Suresh pivoted with Denselight by recouping operational costs of fortifying Denselight for resale while Poet benefited in its own R&D. That was a smart move and it kept Poet's promise to go fab light. Now Poet has huge markets to look forward to with the OI being the main driver and what Poet's current customers want and need as well as other top tier prospective customers who will need the OI inside of their products too.

It's been a bumpy road, but with Suresh it would have been deep crevices in a bumpy road with no way back to any level of commercial viability in my opinion.



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