Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Sept 30

Baba, in terms of the presentation of the financial results let's remember that these figures are based as at September 30th and the DL sale documentation was sufficiently advanced to report DL as a discontinued operation. If you refer to I think note 21 of the f/s you get a breakdown of the value which represents the assets to be sold at cost and the related liabilities to be assumed. 

So, we all should remember the above. The Q3 report is just that. A report of what happened during the quarter and at the quarter end. The report is not meant to be a guidance document. We all know that the sale closed tranche 1 on November 8 (Q4 activity) therefore the complexion of what is reported at December 31 will likely reveal an entirely different picture assuming of course there is no delay in receipt of the $13 M.

And, for all to consider, lay-off Mika. These reports are governed by quite rigid rules of what is said. Also, the reports typically represent a collective effort which ultimately are presented to the Audit Committee who then recommends them for approval by the board of directors. These reports are not the exclusive result of one man's effort.

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