Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Interesting post by godotiscoming in the Off topic forum

Lol, That was quite the go around with the whole solar thing, I bought first in March 2011 when I read about the Jeff Taylor work, the solar was always a bit of a farce and a lot more with LP running the company but the tech side was intriguing enough to stay with it but I must say I got a bit nerves when PC came onboard and the SI got involved, got a bit more directional when Ajit came on board but it wasn't until Suresh came in the play that I finally felt a bit of a chance that maybe we could actually have a chance of something real/

 When Suresh said he was going to do a roadshow to find out what companies were actually wanting and needing did things finally start to make sense, this guy has an incredible ability to see ahead ( way ahead) of what is going on at the moment, I don't know if that is a learned trait or pure experience but either way, he has it in spades, The last few weeks has given me more confidence than ever that we are going to be a real company with real management and real products at the best possible time to take full advantage of some incredible insight.

Best of luck to us all, been a long row to hoe and still a bit to go but it is starting to fell a bit more like an investment instead of a gamble.


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