Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: While we’re reminiscing...

I too first bought in April of 2011, after making some nice profit on what was basically a pump and dump.  

Full disclosure, I was hook line and sinkered by Peter, Eileen Teahorn, er whoever that was, which was the most exciting time.  We'll call it "the fruit company" period.  It was also the time (and this was a great lesson to learn) that I introduced quite a few people to the stock and Geoff Taylor's work. (You can't blame people for wanting to share in what felt like a good bet)

The lowest of low times came during our annual summer vacation in a year I was laid off from my job, and POET announced it was abandoning GaAs and moving to InP.  I seem to recall the stock sinking into the the .20's that day for a time. The sinking feeling was worse than that.  

My friends had a lot of questions that day.  Thankfully they weren't as heavily exposed as me, but some actually bought at $1.67 (as did I).  

Upon reflection, investing in Dr Taylor's work was risky, but not foolish. it was very very good fortune on all of our parts, that the man chosen to steer the company, made the difficult decision to pivot at the right time.  I shudder to think of what would have happened without that decision. 

I'm still a "believe it when I see it person" but the tone and substance of the news has substantially more meat now than the bones of the past.  

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