Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Differentiation

Rick, I know it is hard to stay patient when the prize seems near, yet far.

I doubt that POET will have anything resembling "a working demonstration model" as you call it, because the OI all happens at wafer scale. They could have some Silterra made wafers and say "here it is". The demonstration model containing the OI platform, if it exists, belongs to the customer and they are certainly not going to show it around...they don't even want anyone to know who they are!

II-VI and Rockley may be touting prototype models, but they are likely mock up units that their PR departments had made up for the sales pitch, but it's still "coming soon" for them too. Those guys have the money to do a glitzy show and tell. POET simply does not.

What POET does have, in real time, is the next big thing.  

I suspect they POET will use their time at the show to have our engineers go over the workings of the platform with the engineers from these "partner" types and I hope Vivak shows up to wow the "analysts" with his high speed version of shock and awe!

IMO, of course

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