Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Final payment

To me the announcement of the SANAN deal was fine as it provided a tick in the box marked 'do POET have the capacity to mass supply' and meets tier one needs, however I was however left feeling rather concerned about both the company's relationship with DL and the time to market with SANAN. Did any one else get the feeling that Rajgopal sounded somewhat worryingly cool towards POET in his recent broadcast.  

The new arrangements regarding the 'Final Payment' now seems so much better, even if it cost half the final payment, as the doors and good will with DL and the Shanghai consortium remain open, which to me is vital for maintaining an impact in the Chinese market.  Relationships with China need to be managed well and the conduit that DL provides to China is one that needs to fostered.  We must recognise that that Singapore is a good ally/tool to have in the box in the current political climate.  POET's impact in China could be vast.


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