Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Lots of negativity here - Spin it another way?!

Full disclosure. 

im Aaron, 36. 
I run multi million dollar jobs as a superintendent. Worked on billion dollar industrial jobs over my career. Also am a carpenter and surveyor. Investing in POET/Opel for 8-10 years. Thanks to my brother, or maybe not, time will tell. Over 250k shares.

i always look for solutions not problems. If u focus on the problem there's no traction for a solution. Dwelling and pointing fingers in a problematic situation causes friction on a team, animosity, negativity, and is a recipe for failure. I feel like POET, had a solution with the LOI for 50 million, solving and issue that's been festering with devselight buyout for months, almost a year?! So when a solution u don't have for this drops in your lap, why not jump at it, what's 2.5 million now, for 250 million if successful in 3-4 years. Residual benefits, etc. Push the problem(denselight) of the table and move on, move forwards. Am I happy no. Story of my life finding solutions to problems in construction, it's never ending. I'm ok with a small negative for a potential win here... focus on the future. Not our past.


billie bean, coach of the As(moneyball) "I hate losing more than I like winning." Couldnt agree more.


i always tell people who work for me, older and younger. "Let not the definition of a man be his mistakes, let what defines u be what are u going to do next. Never dwell on the problem."


im no tech guy, not a successful business man, not to successful in life, poor investor. Guess I can lead people if nothing else. But perspective can set u apart. Let's try to think about positive aspects here. We have something that could be extremely powerful by those who adopt in an industry looking for a solution to a problem. Let us hope poet is such.


i don't always agree with the positive or negative here. Don't post like this often. But everyone usually has validity to their perspectives. 

I wish us all the best of luck, truly, but let's try to find what can take this ship to the open endless oceans of success. 


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