Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Meeting Monday, sept14..Can't wait for...Vivek..excited

One piece of new information that was presented by Vivek is that the capex cost to produce is 10% of conventional build facilities. What does that mean for example in terms of the Sanan JV or any other partnerships, co-operation agreement or JV? It means the cost to put production in place is 1/10th of typical installations where multiple work stations for alignment are required.

That has got to be one of the really big incentives for attracting business combinations. Clearly it is difficult to provide new investors with context of just how good the platform is when time is so limited and I suppose there is extra care taken to avoid saying too much when the presentation is in a public webcast. I would have liked to have heard Vivek speak of the efficiencies of the platform and how unique the architecture is to enable the isolation of heat signatures and channel that heat away from critical photonic elements. It is unfortunate because I think the crowd here understands enough of the fundamentals that we could have all benefited from hearing it in the way that Vivek is able to present it.

Next time. People who get it  know that POET has extreme value. The Sanan JV is going to produce very high volumes from existing facilities that are designed to produce large  wafer scale production.  And the demand that this JV can supply will be massive.  Hopefully we get a taste of that when the definitive agreement is announced.

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