Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Thanks For The Official Welcome And Looking Forward To A Great 2021

I wanted to say thank-you to everyone that posted their approval and enthusiasm of our now official relationship with POET.  It is great knowing that we already have such a great audience built in as we begin this journey.

It is our opinion that POET has the makings of a great company thanks to its disruptive technology. We have stated on many occassions that this decade will be dominated by small cap companies developing and commercializing disruptive technology.

The other side of this coin, however, is that disruptive technologies are often difficult for mass investors to understand, which leads to indifference and apathy that is often frustrating for management and current shareholders.

We have seen this situation before with clients such as:

  • PyroGenesis (plasma torch tech for multiple applications)
  • HPQ Silicon (specialty silicon for EV batteries)
  • Esports Entertainment Group (Esports - which was totally foreign to investors in 2017)
  • Loop Insights (Artificial Intelligence driven targeting and engagement at the cash register) 
  • And even Avalon Rare Metals 15 years ago when investors did not understand the importance of rare metals in the growing world of electronics (sounds familiar?).

PyroGenesis graduated to the TSX recently and has announced an application to list on NASDAQ.

Esports Entertainment Group graduated from an OTC penny stock to the NASDAQ.

Avalon Rare Metals graduated to the NYSE (before eventually coming back to the TSXV)

HPQ Silicon is now a very strong TSX Venture company.

Loop Insights has announced intention to uplist to the TSX and dual list on NASDAQ

In addition to all being very strong companies in their respective fields, the one common denominator they share is Agoracom.  Each of these companies came to Agoracom with the exact same problem. Specifically "We are great at what we do but we can't get people to understand our story."

AGORACOM solved this problem for each one of these clients.  They didn't happpen overnight but they happened.

We pride ourselves on the very difficult but rewarding task of turning the complex stories of companies like POET into language that mass retail investors can both undersand and get enthusiastic about.  I believe we can accomplish this for POET in 2021 and open up the company to a brand new audience of investors for the first time.

It's a big challenge but we're up to the task and looking forward to taking this journey with all of you for the next 12 months and far beyond.  

Onward and upward.



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