Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: I think we can forecast a hockey stick chart

you will see that in our roadmap as well, we go from 0 to X number of products almost simultaneously, only because we’ve developed it in the context of a platform, which then allows us to proliferate that platform across multiple segments.

So we’ve been at it for about three years, ok. And in three years we’ve generated data better that people have in 20 years. After billions of dollars of investment. Not that I couldn’t deal with a billion dollars of investment, but the point is when you think of doing things differently from the ground up you can make disproportionate progress, which is how innovation works. That’s how invention works in general. And that’s what we’ve done. So we’ve got the industry’s smallest transmit receive optical engine. We’ve got the best coupling efficiency and I’ve discussed this in previous meetings as well. Our losses through our system… to usable power is the highest you can get in any photonics assembly, even done in the conventional way.

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