Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 'Splain it to me, Lucy!!
  • Consider that POET does not uplist and we run the course of the year into mass production. Now consider uplisting to NASDAQ (if it is a "rush" than before 2H of the year?). With those two scenarios, I want you to ask yourself what advantages does management have; and what advantages do the banks have? The answer must be somehwere in between.

Logic why rush to up list, significant growth plans will require capital, bigger capital on the big board:

  • Deals could and are likely on the table for poet, these may have $ commitments with time constraints
  • To make major purchase may be an alternative to fab light for a vertical.
  • Investment $ to form a JV where poet is bringing IP and $ to the table.
  • There could be a number of needs (opportunities) that management see's that we as investors don’t see, and shouldn’t see. 
  • Timely increased dollars could and would likely mean greater market penetration meaning better dollars for us as shareholders.

(these guys are planning on building a large company, we as investors are playing checkers - poet management is playing chess!)


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