Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: promotion

Baba, in this world of "dog and pony shows" and and the razz matazz of get rich quick schemes, our guys are the "slow and steady wins the race" crowd. They are NOT snake oil salesmen or circus barkers, they are scientists, engineers and sundry other geeks (my kind of folks!)

For all those so full of angst and suggestions, you need to know that what you see is what you get for now. Manegement has done all the promoting they intend to do and plan to stay the course until the proto samples are out and feedback is in.

The silicon industry is a behemoth that is heavily set in it's ways and committed to the river of money that flow from the markets at their beck and call. Change is hard and resisted at almost every turn.

But consider this, Sanan is certainly no lightweight, by any means, they are the  largest in the world at what they do and they bought management's "promotion" to the extent that they decided to finance it with their own money.

You can be either in, or you can be out, but railing at what you percieve as the great injustice because a penny stock failed to make you rich within your personal time line falls on deaf ears at the moment.

Make your concerns known at the AGM if you choose, that's the proper forum.

Most of all, take a deep breath, it's summer!

IMO,of course 

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