Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Alright here it is

 "any such transactions are made on an individual basis and based on personal final decisions/circumstances; transactions are not directed nor controlled by the Company"


Thanks very much for posting that.  I don't understand the above at all, obviously everyone was working in concert and not "individually".  The facts betray this rationale.  That said I get everyone doing it at once to minimize any adverse effects.  

I simply can't believe our CFO thinks PTK simply knee jerk moves with another stock, it really diminishes where we are at and trivializes our own story.  Really disappointing, even if true, to hear Mr. Mika on the one hand express disbelief we aren't already at a billion market cap-given our accomplishments-then toss any gains towards that end as simply circumstance.  Sorry, I expect more and if he believes that then they moved to sell on an artificial bounce, knowing it wasn't sustainable based on our own progress.

As for this board moving the stock, perhaps let's take ourselves wwwwaaaaayyyyy less seriously, obviously the unbridled optimism here has never really translated.  We are barnacles on a whale, let's just hope we picked the right one.  I believe we have, we all do or we aren't here, self inflicted disappointments aside.

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