Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Outside Assessment of Poet

If you actually did the research on POET how could you possibly claim this is a pump and dump?

The company was in R&D so of course it'd burn cash.

After 5+ years we have 2 contracts under NDA, how could he say we have no customers?

We just had NRE revenue, how could he say we had no revenue except from DenseLight?

We do have strategic customers that define the product roadmap: T1 EU and NA customers.

The product suite is built entirely around customer needs, how could he say POET isn't building for customer needs?

The DenseLight missing payment was entirely due to Covid destroying the Chinese partner's exchange rates, that's why they could not come up with the remaining dollars.

POET isn't trying to figure out what we are, we already know what we are, did he read the product roadmap? Did he look at the OI?

I'm sorry, but all the frauds I know involve EY, a big accounting firm.

OFC POET isn't using its own FAB, we are a FAB-LITE company, no one in this industry is trying to build their own fab, that's stupid.

Information isn't leaking out that we are announcing customers, that came directly from the presentation slides, from mgmt's mouth lol.

There are so many things wrong with this assessment, I can't take it seriously. I'm sorry Rick, your friend did poor due diligence. That being said, it shows that without serious DD, retail investors are scared to touch POET. All of this would go away when we announce those wins later.

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