Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Suresh's new twitter tweet
Nov 29, 2021 02:02PM
Nov 30, 2021 01:29AM

I have a theory about NDAs and any possible financing that associates Poet with a Nasdaq listing. Might there be an investment firm already lined-up and ready to go public on the Nasdaq along with an announcement once certain checkpoints are reached?

If you notice Suresh does not speak specifically but shares progress in words without enfringing upon anyone they have under NDA for any reason. All of this secrecy will likely mean huge announcements eventually that will be highly impactful to the industry segments that Poet will be augmenting where it is highly impactful to any companies in a particular sector that Poet will enter. Another reason is that Poet would want as many customers in any sector as possible, so by staying quiet they will have the trust and confidence from any other potential interested customers in those particular industry segments. Basically, is not Poet asking its customers to redesign with them, and revamp and retool their processes in order to achieve the disruptive benefits Poet has to offer in the production and performance of their product families? Remember, this is about a platform for products and not just a product in isolation. This is a big deal to all engaged. 


Nov 30, 2021 12:14PM
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