Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Uplisting from a position of strength

The most important part is to lose the smell of the TSX.V and the OTC (Pink Sheets). Many just don't invest, or can't invest (even Robinhooders) I believe.

Doing this without financing is the "KEY" here. That's the big PLUS.

As no-one will benefit from a cheap financing this time. As we don't need it. That shows strength. NO?

As we go by our terms and not the terms of anyone who believed to get some cheap shares printed.

I also like that when the R/S Damokles Sword has been removed (after listing) a lot of people are willing to invest. As could be seen by the comments, many just don't like to invest before a RS. We can see that also from the very low volume.

So, these side liners could now invest, if they wish to.

The next very good thing is, that the shareholder structure will change. I think many of the current holders are their worst own enemies by their very own actions, and may not even realize.

So, getting institutional investors in is important and key. Not all have the 5 USD restrictions. Many just are not allowed to invest into TSX.V and OTC stocks (if they are not venture capital funds).

Therefore we are opening the door to a much wider audience. Trading volume will increase. Even though we have a high number of shares, I think one can agree that the stock is not "liquid". Many people don't like that if they sell/buy the stock has a high bid/ask ratio. If you want to sell now a high stake, you will directly negatively impact the SP and lose out. 

So liquidity is required. And on the NAS we will get that.

So in short:


1) we don't need a financing, our position of strength as we go by OUR terms and not the Bankster terms

2) open to institutional investors

3) lose the smell of the TSX.V and OTC

4) regain liquidity in te stock to allow more retail investors to invest that see liquidity as a important need to an investment 

5) open to more retail investors, as the NAS will allow more platforms to trade POET (eg. Robin Hood, and many more)

6) finally remove the uncertainty of the RS and the according Ratio

7) 20% stock option plan of a much smaller share count (after RS) is much less dilution to current shareholders 

8) we do the financing later, to much better terms with a most likely much better Market Cap, therefore again, less dilution to all shareholders 


I see way more good than bad in this move. The financing was the biggest punitive instrument coming with the listing, to current shareholders and that seems to have been removed.

So, all good in my view.

Any typos, sorry, typing in the plane.

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