Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Up list !!

The news of an up list without a raise is interesting. I have a couple of thoughts for discussion. Management fully anticipated the stock would be higher today, when they initially announced the up-list timing.

I believe that the advisory committee has taken a number of factors into account, in their recommendation to the BOD / executive on the up-list strategy.  

They would have  evaluated:

·         Burn rate is just under 2 years of free cash, no CFO will wants to go inside a year of free cashflow and need to do a raise, your are dealing from a point to weakness.

·         Anticipated news releases, timing, scope and impact on the market.

o   NDAs are limiting the release of news, and the before products can be deconstructed to identify Poet within a major players tech, we would likely be out at least 10 or more months.

·         Anticipated timing of major contracts, again size of major contracts could be out 6 months.

·         Limited move of stock over the last 6 months, with some solid releases.

Shareholders and poet would get raped by doing a reverse split, up-list, and then a raise without major news. This is a plan to effectively maximize the news for the most benefit of shareholders. If management didn’t care they would just forge ahead without, adjustment of initial plans.

The stock price needs to be higher before a raise, hope I’m wrong but Poet is between a rock and a hard place today, the ability to release meaning full news is critical. We are at risk of having to sell , or do a horrible raise without contracts, the company has 6 months before we need a cash infusion, sales contracts or a raise.



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