Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: sell side OTC

I am woefully uneducated and unsavvy relative to the prized contributors on this board - yet it does seem that (the tech viability notwithsanding) all hope/expectation is pinned on the imminent uplisting being the catalyst that rectifies our collective ROI.  My early retirement hinges on this supposition as well!  I would humbly suggest being either two feet in or two feet out Mazan.  Holding a large position without substantial convition or optimism is a dark place to be.  Cursing circumstance and constantly repeating grievances on this forum will not address anxieties, in fact it can only intensify them and potentially worsen matters for all by eroding morale and public perception. 

We are too close to our "linchpin" moment to be "cynical stakeholders" at this juncture - that is akin to being a willing pessimist so as to never to be dissappointed.  Assess your own risk tolerance and be in or out 100%!

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