Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: What a glorious opportunity.....

Dave: Some of the best and most knowledgeable posters have been banned from Agoracom for exactly what you say does not happen.  

I would agree with the above statement  if we change the wording to “some of the noisiest and disruptive posters have been banned”.

And as far as sending this so-called clear message to management? Do you really believe what you wrote? You think that little group that you belonged to actually had the clout that they said? You actually think they had 40% of the vote? Delusional I am afraid.


This talk of replacing the BOD is laughable at best. 


What is not laughable is the lack of understanding of what has been accomplished by this company. This little group of what you claim are the most knowledgeable posters Dave are just noisy enough to be an irritation at best. 


And be aware that these games that your group plays is part of the reason why D&O insurance increases so dramatically following a NASDAQ listing. Retail investors who think they know best simply make assumptions based on what their perception is of the company's progress with little if any industry experience. Pretty difficult to do even if there is a good understanding of the business with a pre-revenue company with multiple NDA’s in effect that just listed on the NASDAQ. 


Again let the company do its job.  Lets get through the  first NASDAQ financial reporting and lets see what the company can release after the quiet period has ended.



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