Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Zacks Report maybe wrong on customers

Just to get this right and see the traction POET is actually taking. I have to correct something from the latest Zacks Report which says: "In addition to the six signed projects the company has two more development agreements that are expected to turn into two customers. Both of these development projects are for Light Bar to be used in AI accelerator chips that would provide eight channels or more with multiplexed signal out of each channel."

I am not sure if shes only referring to projects with the Light Bar but at least is missing out to say that we actually have eight additional projects which are expected to turn into customers. That is a huge difference. 

In the last presentation it says:

"Eight additional customer opportunities for optical engines identified, on top of six current customers."


I just hope that our times of delay (which was actually a minimum of a full year due to the AGM 2020) are now gone and we can deliver to all our potential customers in due time. Let this thing unfold for the better of humanity and of course my own purse ;-))) . 




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