Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A little roadblock

1,5 million pre-split? Where is this huge wall coming from?

Warrants excercised and up for sale now?

After yesterday's meeting? All people are equal, but some are more equal, I guess. 

Don't like the silence about the Warrant Holder meeting here. Pretending that it didn't happen with this complete silence around it, makes it a strange thing to me.

Why not at least say officially that it happened and that the video will be made available to all shareholders? Or something along that line.

Just because I couldn't get in on the financing because I can't cash in a minimum of 100k at a time and wouldn't "officially" qualify. I have multiples of that invested here by now after all the years and more than management holds together and still, those shareholders like me, are treated differently? Why is that?

Haven't sold a single share over all the years. Kept allways buying, high and low. Haven't used any warrants as security against shorting the stock as a safe bet. Haven't got a high interest rate for a financing and free warrants. And as a thank you to a supportive and long shareholder, I am also not getting the same information? Haven't attacked management.

And still no one here is even willing to confirm that such a meeting happened?

Seems fishy to me. Sorry to say that, but even more sorry to feel like that about this company after being invested here with all my hard earned money for more than 8 years.


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