Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Website- yet again failure to update material information

I often see double spaces, inconsistent use of bold and italic, in "events" I sometimes see "event: ..." and sometimes just the name of the event. The events are not even updated in the process.

Looking at the pictures in "company" they're both black and color.

Under stock information there is still mentioned "POETF" and that is a serious error.

Under "applications" there was still no mention of 1.6T and beyond. Why are these applications not further explained on this page?

Why don't we have a product overview on the website? Visitors have to open a bunch of presentations to learn more about the product availability.

The second Forbes article wasn't added to the section media coverage.

Is H.C. Wainwright & Co. still an analyst? 

I remember well, in Adrian's videos, he explains himself extensively as a content creator for POET, but he appears on Twitter with his socks on camera.

Furthermore, there is a lack of communication for a long time about margins, about Shelton's function and others.

Why does Mika appear in an interview with a guy wearing a baseball cap? Is this the level to which a "one billion company" lowers its communication strategy?

The biggest joke of all: the website of Super Photonics , looks like 100% scam and repels investors and customers instead of convincing them.

I am recently told that POET is participating in LD micro, but we have not received any notice from POET of this which I also regret.

Along with numorous typo's on Twitter and the "learn more about the joint venture" button on the front page for more than a year which directed you to the wrong presentations and events page, I'm quite dissapointed in the lack of communication strategy of the company.

Just because you're moving forward with little budget doesn't mean mistakes should be tolerated. Displaying this incorrect information over the years surely gives visitors the idea that POET is fraudulent, that they are scammers, that they are undetailed in their communications, and it only makes us hope that this lack of follow-up is not representative of their business activities themselves.

As a retail investor, 100% behind POET and bullish about this technology, but I must say that I deeply regret this.

I'm convincend that the shareprice drop is caused by macroeconomics and the errors above have nothing to do with it but nevertheless these errors are unacceptable.

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