Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Question???

Great points Chappaquiddick,

Unfortunately, like you painfully mention we're also at near all time lows. Everything that has been said, done, accomplished, privately placed, funds raised, PR companies hired and fired, shares issued and we're sitting at almost the lowest point the stock has seen since conception. Sad times my friend. Here's to 2023. 

Everything you mentioned above is accurate. The one main thing that keeps me focused and encouraged is the technical advancements. I believe we will see a similar spike like LWLG did last year. Conversely they are seeing a correction in my opinion because technically maybe they are not quite there yet.

In my opinion the adjusted warrants is a good way of raising funds without a dilutive effect. Especially in todays unfavorable lending market. Also making whole to those that participated.

Again we should have a very good idea in the next one to three months


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