Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 136,153 new shares issued

Our total trade volume since January is just over the total of these warrants. If that volume was a daily or weekly number, exercising these warrants is a no brainer financial decision, wether you hold or sell. Since we are averaging only about 75,000 shares traded per day recently, exercising becomes a believe in the company longer term decision. We are in the middle of what is projected as a longer term bear market where those kind of risks are less often taken. Someone pointed out that the stock price has only been below the $4.25 level 15% of the last year, but if you look at the most frequent three months that 15% turns into close to 50%.

I am happy that half the warrants have already been exercised and hopeful that the rest will be. That is a sign to me that there is some belief out there besides us on this forum. The daily trade volume somehow still disagrees.

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