Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: This scenario

I got into this stock way too soon, as has a large number of people in this group. For me is has become abundantly clear that until we have revenue issues PO announced or a large household name in a partnership of sorts.  We're not gonna see substantial increases in the stock value. As good as the company touts the technology to be and no matter how much we may want to believe in this technology, for every Poet there are hundreds of others that are toting their technological breakthroughs. As long as NDA's are in place we won't get names so the only thing we can hope for is revenue to substantially move the stock price. Institutional investors are waiting for an absolute slam dunk in technology or revenue, we likely are on institutional investors radars, and if the technology is as we believe itt to be then they have time, they can buy in at 3 times todays price and make out like bandits. What’s going on today at the IFC is exposing the technology to additional potential customers and investors. Then comes due diligence, and just like testing of samples that can take time. sorry to be brutally honest.  (Are we VHS or Betamax?) that is what institutional investors are trying to decipher.


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